Department of Forensic Medicine

This department is working to sensitive the medical students at three areas:

1. Basic principles of medical ethics
2. Medical jurisprudence
3. Forensic medicine derived from ‘Forum’ means court of law.

Forensic medicine is a study and application of medical knowledge for the administration of the justice in court of law.

  • Department is equipped with full pledged museum which includes wet specimens,

Mounted specimens, Identification specimens, bones, anthropometric lab, Toxicology specimens,
Forensic weapons etc.

  • Department is having its own mortuary block with dissection halls, cold storage, Inquest hall and office rooms etc.
  • Forensic medicine department offering a Postgraduate course in Forensic medicine with 3  years  Master degree.
  • Other areas where this department has got the focus are:
  1. Legal aspects of reproductive medicine.
  2. Legal aspects of mentally ill patient.
  3. Euthanasia
  4. Consumer protection Act 1986.
  5. Suspended animation.
  6. Postmortem changes.
  7. Legal aspects of poisoning etc.
  • Research is going on anthropometry and dactylography and medico legal cases of the hospital.