Department of Radiology

The department of radiology is committed to identify and developing new treatment optioned using a variety of the latest technologies and focused techniques available.

We department of radio-diagnosis is being run by team of experienced doctors and technologies.  We work around 24/7 and have given an immense support in the diagnosis.

The radiology department is equipped with a number of high frequency radiography machines incorporated  with advanced high field 1.5tesla magnetic resonance imaging, multislice computed tomography scan, 3D fetal ultra sonogram, color Doppler USG, mammogram, digital x-ray system and portable radiog4raphy.

All kinds of angiograms and contrast procedures are done regularly in CT and MRI.Portable radiography units are kept on each floor of hospital, intensive care units, wards and operation theatres.

A state-of-the-art remote controlled image intensifier fluoroscopy with high frequency x-ray generator is available to carry out all the cont4rast procedures.CT guided interventions are being performed.

Courses offered:

The department provides post graduate course in radio-diagnosis.

Teaching program conducted in our department.Weekly inter-departmental meets, journal club, case discussion is being held in our department.