Department of Pathology

Pathology is the study of causes and effects of disease or injury. The department is committed to serving patients with utmost care and sincerity by delivering timely, reliable reports. They also believe in educating the students and society about the importance of prevention and early detection of diseases.

The department of pathology strives for excellence in all aspects of laboratory testing, blood– banking and teaching using state of the art equipments and techniques. It also provides well established museum, department library practical laboratories, demonstration rooms with audio visual aids and internet facilities for better understanding of the subject.

The teaching programme involves the students from undergraduate to postgraduates with dedicated teaching faculty members, lab technicians and attenders. The Department encourages research activities to both students and staff. The teaching faculties are trained to implement Competency Based Medical Education Curriculum which helps in widening the spectrum of health care.

The clinical pathology, histopathology, cytopathology, immunohisto-chemistry and blood bank services are provided round the clock under one roof to provide better patients compliance.