Department of Respiratory Medicine

Department of Respiratory Medicine serves to the needs of patients with pulmonary & sleep disorders. The Department has well trained faculty that offers the best health care outcomes with emphasis on quality patient care, Efficient diagnosis & management of wide range of respiratory diseases spanning from asthma, COPD, Pneumonias, ILD’s, Pleural based Diseases, Sleep Disorders and covid, post- covid. The Department Actively follows RNTCP(NTEP)- DOTS and is a recognized centre for DOTS therapy with a health educator working full time. The department is actively involved in academics, training and education of undergraduates, para-clinical sciences like AHS.


  1. Outpatient clinics with separate outpatient rooms for male and female patients
  • Respiratory outpatient services: All working days (9AM to 4PM)
  • Asthma & Allergy clinic : Every Monday
  • Respiratory Rehabilitation Clinic: Every Wednesday
  1. Inpatient services:
  • 30 general beds
  • 17 Female
  • 13 Male
  • 5 RICU beds with invasive & non invasive ventilators
  1. Demonstration room / seminar room
  2. Department library with an extensive collection of literature
  3. Department museum with specimens & Radiographs
  4. Lobbies for X-ray & CT scan reading are available in OP & IP as well
  5. Pulmonary function lab
  • Computerised spirometer with a printer
  • Diffusing capacity measurements by “CO” diffusion
  1. Facilities for thoracocentesis, ICD/pig tail insertion, pleural biopsy available
  2. Bronchoscopy/ Thoracoscopy
  • Fiber optic & video Bronchoscopy with BAL, EBB, TBLB, TBNA
  • Thoracoscopy
  1. Sleep Study
  • Limited Channel Sleep Study
  1. DOTS Centre with health educator, DOTS provider & social workers.
  2. Clinical laboratory with microscope for sputum evaluation
  3. Nebuliser services available in the outpatient unit along with the ward nebulizer
  4. Pulmonary rehabilitation services:
  • Chest physiotherapy
  • Respiratory muscle training
  1. Smoking cessation services:
  • Pharmacological & Non pharmacological approaches.