Seed money projects



1. Dr.Maria Shajan/Dr.V.Sudha DERMATOLOGY A study on the clinico-epidemiology and various topical modalities in the treatment of acanthosis nigricans.
2. Dr.AhamedAshik.M/Dr.V.Sudha DERMATOLOGY A comparative study to determine the therapeutic efficacy of systemic terbinafine and itraconazole in different combination with topical cicloporox olamine in the management of extensive dermatophytosis Rs.50000
3. Dr.HemaDeepika.k/Dr.P.Mohan Dermatology A comparative study of clinical efficacy and side effects of topical adapalene 0.1% and tretinoin0.05 % in the treatment of mild to moderate acne vulgaris Rs.20000
4. Dr. Priyadharshini.K /Dr. Meghashree Pathology Tumor budding and epithelial mesenchymal transition-a novel prognostic marker for breast carcinoma 1,50,000
5. Dr.Shahana.P.V/ Dr.Vijayalakshmi Gnanasekaran OBG Correlation between androgen excess society, national institute of health , rotterdam’s criteria and anti mullerian hormone in diagnosis pcos 50,000
6. Dr.Jannu shree / Dr.Vijayalakshmi Gnanasekaran OBG Maternal serum leptin levels in early preganancy has a predictor of gestational diabetes mellitus 40,000
7. Dr.Maganti Rahul / Dr.Ashok.T.P Pediatrics A study of platelet indices in dengue fever with thrombocytopenia and correlation of immature platelet fraction with platelet recovery and clinical course: a hospital-based prospective observational study 45,000
8. Dr.Hemavathi/ Dr.C.Rekha Pediatrics Umbilical cord blood levels of albumin and alkaline phosphates isoenzymes as early predictors of severe neonatal hyperbilirubinemia- a prospective study 50,000
9. Dr. Neha Nizar.N/Dr. Aarthi Agarwal Pediatrics To study the prevalence of hypertension in rural and urban adolescent children and analyse the existence of any difference and the factors responsible for this difference. 30,000
10. Dr.Rajinish Shital Borkar/ Dr.Vinodhini Community medicine An evaluation study on mobile x ray screening and sputum smear microscopy as diagnostic tests for tuberculosis among the presumptive tb patients in a rural area with reported low tuberculosis positivity 70,000
11. Dr.Aarthi.R/ Dr.Rajnish Shital Borkar Community medicine A cross sectional study exploring patterns of Family planning methods and decision making Among married women of reproductive age in Urban area of chennai. 15,000
12. Dr.Aafrin Akbar/ Dr.Shalini.A Community medicine A cross sectional study on assessment of Nutritional status among under five children in Urban area of chennai. 20,000
13. Dr. A.H.Irfaunul Azees / Dr.R.Rajkamal Community medicine Prevalence and determinants of overweight andobesity among elderly population in urban areaof chennai-a cross sectional study. 15,000
14. Dr.Fazeela.A / Dr. Rajnish Shital Borkar Community medicine A community based study on health insurance Coverage and factors influencing it among urbanresidents of chennai. 15,000
15. Dr.S.Suwetha lakshmi / Dr.Kasthuri Community medicine A cross-sectional study on menstrual hygienic
Practices and its association with urinary tract
Infections among adolescent girls in rural Population of thiruvallur district.
16. Dr. Rajkamal Community medicine Newly diagnosed diabetes among post-covid patients , a community based cross- sectional study in urban field practice area of tertiary care hospital , chennai 1,00,000
17. Dr. Pragna.B.Dolia/ Dr.A.archana/Dr. Sathiyapriya Biochemistry A study of early sign and symptoms of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents- a prospective study 60,000
18. P.Padmavathi/ Dr.Sathiyapriya Biochemistry Unravelling the role of catalase gene variants in the development of premature canities 70,000
19. Dr.S.G. Pooja Rashme/ Dr.S.A. Sridevi Pharmacology A prospective observational study on the effect of metformin on calcium and vitamin d status on newly diagnosed diabetic patients 1,00,000
20. Dr.F.Trini Devotta/ Dr.S.A. Sridevi Pharmacology A prospective observational study on the correlation of lipid profile among hypertensive patients on inititation of telmisartan or amlodipine monotherapy 75,000
21. Dr.Kirthana.G/ Dr. Prasanthi.V.R. Pothakamuri Respiratory medicine A cross sectional study of skin prick test to aspergillus antigen in asthmatic patients 40,000
22. Dr.Leonoline Ebenezer Anatomy Comparative study of pulmonary function test and p53 gene in formalin exposed individuals 50,000
23. Dr. Ilangovan /Dr.Visali.MGA ENT An observational study on the status of eustachian tube function in inflammatory disorders of middle ear 75,000
24. Dr. M. Balajisingh/ Dr.D. Priyadharshini Forensic Medicine Cross sectional study on estimation of stature from finger length of an individual from students of acsmch 5,000
25. Dr. M. Balajisingh/ Dr.D. Priyadharshini Forensic Medicine Study on knowledge about medical negligence among doctors in chennai 5,000
26. Dr.Badmashini / Dr. Rama Anaesthesiology Comparative study of intra thecal 0.5% bupivacaine with 30 mcgs clonidine versus 20mcgs clonidine to assess the effectiveness of post operative analgesia 25,000
27. Dr. R. mamata Subhakar / Dr. Atchaya.S Opthalmology An observational study of ocular manifestational in patients with cerabrovascular accidents in tertiary health care hospital in south India 25,000
28. Dr. K. Amrita / Dr.K. Kanmani Opthalmology Analysis of stages of diabetic retionopathy in patients with diabetic foot syndrome in a tertiary care hospital in south India 50,000
29. Dr. K. Amrita / Dr.K. Kanmani Opthalmology Analysis of variation in ocular parameters in patients undergoing dialysis in a tertiary care hospital in south India 90,000
30. Dr.Sakshi P Mankar Opthalmology Incidence and ocular manifestations in patients presenting with  blunt trauma in a tertiary care hospital 40,000
31. Dr.Sakshi P Mankar Opthalmology Correlation of central corneal thickness with crades of myopia in a Tertiary 50,000
32. Dr.Sakshi P Mankar Opthalmology Oclar Manifestations in patients with dermatological diseases in aTeritary care Hospital 57,000

SEED MONEY Projects 2022

S.NO Faculty Name Department Project Title Amount
1. Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gnanasekaren OBG Prediction and prevention of gestational diabetes a step to prevent diabetes in the future generation 2,20,000
2. Dr. Vijayalakshmi Gnanasekaren OBG Effectiveness of self testing f human papilloma virus as a screening method in urban population of chennai 1,00,000
3. Dr. R. Roghini CRL The green synthesis of silver nanoparticle from the extract of persea Americana fruit may influence the adipogenesis of 3T3L1 cells via epigenetic modification 1,50,000
4. Dr.Sumetha Suga Microbiology Comparative analysis of sensitivity and specificity of screening and confirmatory diagnostic method of pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis in patients attending a tertiary care hospital in thiruvallur district a prospective study 75,000
5. Dr.Kalpana devi /Dr.Abinaya Microbiology Phenotypic and molecular characterisation of hyper virulent klebsiella species isolated from clinical samples inn a tertiary care hospital 70,000
6. Dr.Kalpana devi /Dr.H.Sumayya Fathima Microbiology Identification and antifungal susceptibility pattern of dermatophytes isolated from patients attending a tertiary care hospital 30,000
7. Dr.Asha Microbiology Serotyping of dengue virus and correlation with clinical features and laboratory parameters 50,000
8. Dr.Ananthi / Dr.K,Rajalakshmi Microbiology Prevalence of infections due to methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and the phenotypic genotypic characterization on the clinical MRSA isolates 30,000
9. Dr.Ananthi / Dr.M.Sowmya Microbiology Prevalence and evaluation of extended spectrum bête Lactamases, AMP-C and carbapenenase producing gram negative bacilli isolated from clinical samples at a tertiary hospital in chennai 30,000
10. Dr.Mubeen Taj/ Dr.Dhanraj jalindar bhore Psychiatry Neurocognitive functions in patients with alcohol use disorder 30,000
11. Dr.Gayathri ENT A Clinical observational study on positional vertigo and role of videonystagmography(VNG) in its management 50,000
12. Dr.Mubeen Taj/ Dr.Rubika Psychiatry Smartphone usage, sleep and depression among student community emerging from covid -19 pandemic 15,000
13. Dr. Leonline Ebenezer Anatomy Correlation between insulin level thyroid stimulating hormone and sex hormones in both sexes in covid vaccinated individual 50,000
14. Dr.Karthik/ Dr.Arnab saha Psychiatry Prevalence and severity of internet addiction among young adults from South India 30,000


Comparative study of vitamin D in Cardio metabolic risk patients Samiya begum 10000 Completed
A study on vitamin D status on patients undergoing dialysis Dr .A. Archana 10,000 Completed
A study of creatine kinase activity in dialysis patients. Ms.W.Jincy 5,000 Completed
Recend trends in the management of sleep disorders. Dr.Brethis 10000 Completed
In vitro antidiabetic activity of sprouts of Borassus flabelifer linn Dr.S.Thamizharasan 10,000 Completed
Ulceroprotective effect of ethanolic extract of aegle marmelos leaves in wistar rats Sumitha 5000 completed
Dermatoglyphic patterns in normal and hypertensive individuals in south Indian population-A comparative study Dr.Leonoline 5,000 Completed
a Histopathological Comparison Between Various Normal And Neurofibromatosis Tissue:A Cadaveric Study” morphometric study on foramen ovale” Dr.SasiRekha 10000 completed
Changes in Quadriceps Angle (Q Angle) with regard to gender and different Anthropometric parameters Dr.Shruthi 10000 completed
Development of Inventory Model for Health Care System in Multi-Speciality Hospitals Using Arena Dr Christina Mary Priya Paul 10000 completed
diabetic risk in an adult population using Indian diabetic risk score in rural area of Chennai Rajkamal R 5000 completed
Cutaneous metastasis from Squamous Cell Carcinoma Lung , Dr. Shalini 10000 completed
Prediction of Stature on Facial Anthropometry among Students of Nursing and Physiotherapy in Chennai Dr M Balaji Singh 10000 completed
Assessment of standards in issuing cause of death certificate before and after educational intervention Sudharson T 10000 completed
Evaluation of total iron content of aqueous fruit extract of basella rubra. Dr.Suresh 5000 completed
Aerobacterial vaginosis among women Attending an infertility clinic at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Chennai ,India and Susceptibility patten of isolates” Dr. Ananthi. B 10000 completed
Evaluation of Disinfectant action on Biofilm Bacteria”. SopiaAbigail.R 10000 completed
“Comparison of in vitro Activitys of Ceftazitime-Tazobactam, Piperacillin- Tazobactam ,and Cefoperazone-Sulbactam and the Impilication on Therapy in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital Kalavathy Victor 5000 completed
Histopathological study and P53 expression of colonic polyps. Dr.Mahendranath 10000 completed
Study of Thyroid cytopathology using Bethesda system of correlation with histopathology at a tertiary care  hospital Dr.Naseem 10000 completed
Histopathological Study of Endometrial Samples in Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Dr.Saranya Bai 5000 completed
Prevalence of nomophobia and its association with stress, anxiety and depression among students Dr.Sureka 5000 completed
Learning style predilection among health professional leaners – A comparative study among varied course groups in a medical college. Dr.Abeetha 10000 completed
Gender based differences in cardiovascular autonomic tests among deaf children Dr.Suma 10000 completed
A Prospective, Randomized study to compare the effectiveness of Ambu Laryngeal Mask Airway with classic Laryngeal mask airway in diagnostic hysterolaparoscopic procedures, Usha Vijayaraghavan 10000 completed
Comparison of the effect of different timing of premedication with fentanyl on the hemodynamic stress response to laryngoscopy Uma 10000 completed
“Evaluation of the effect of detamine as an additive tointrathecal bupivacaine in patients undergoing cesarean section” Dr. Manisha Kanagarajan 5000 completed
Efficacy and safety of platelet rich plasma (PRP) as monotherapy in management of acne scars in a tertiary care centre Afthab Jameela Wahab 10000 completed
Human Immunodefiiency Virus/Hepatitis B Virus/Hepatitis C Virus Infections and Syphilis among Sexually Transmitted Infection Patients – A Prospective Study. Dr.Sudha 10000 completed
 A clinico epidemiological study in children attending a tertiary care hospital, Chennai Pavithra Gunasekaran 5000 completed
Outcome of Gans repositioning maneuver in patients with posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo with cervical spondylosis H.Gayathri 10000 completed
Surgical difficulties encountered in repeat caesarean section in a tertiary Care Centre Shanthi Dhinakaran 10000 completed
A Study of Maternal and Fetal outcome in Cardiac Disease Complicating Pregnancy at a Tertiary care hospital PremaElizabeth,Mothilal 5000 completed
Association of retinopathy and neuropathy in Diabetic patients. Indian Journal of clinical and experimental Ophthalmology Dr.K.Kanmani 10000 completed
Incidence of peripheral retinal degeneration in myopic patients Dr.Anuradha 10000 completed
Incidence of dry eye in critically ill patients in intensive care unit. Dr.Kalpana 5000 completed
The Charcot foot: Is it a commonly overlooked entity in diabetic population”, Dr.Vijaybaba 10000 completed
Hip Arthroplasty for failed internal fixation of intertrochanteric fractures in elderly – A prospective study Dr.J.Shivakumar 10000 completed
Cord blood spot thyroid stimulating Hormone for screening of congential hypothyroidism Dr.Narayanan 10000 completed
“ A Study on Intravenous Ondansetron in children with gastroenteritis”, Dr Gunasundari 10000 completed
Correlation of gestational age assessed by last menstrual period and New Ballard’s score in preterm babies”, Dr. Krithika 5000 completed
Dhat Syndrome—Revisiting the Phenomenology and Related Psychiatric Comorbidities. MuruganSelvarajKarthik 10000 completed
Determinants of quality of life among the caregivers of persons suffering from dementia Maithreyi P 5000 completed
Depression in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Mubeen Taj 10000 completed
The Many Facets of Wunderlich Syndrome: A Multidetector Computed Tomography based Review. “Role of Multi Detector Computed Tomography in the Evaluation of Glenoid Track in Patients with Anterior Instability and Its Correlation with Arthoscopy”- Dr.Prabhu 10000 completed
CT Evaluation of sequelae of the Head Injury” Dr. Ram Krishna Jha 10000 completed
Dynamic enhanced MRI in diagnosing adenomyosis by graded approach in comparison with hysteroscopy biopsy correlation Dr. Ameen M, .d. 5000 completed
Vitamin and HbA1C status in Tuberculosis patients with Diabetes and its Association Charanpreet Singh 10000 completed
Surgical dislocation on the modified Heuter Anterior approach for pipkin I and II femoral head fracture dislocation Dr. Ananthakrishnan 5000 completed


1 A comparative study of Salivary Cortisol Levels and stress measuring software level between Covid-19 ward health care workers and gerenal ward health care workers Dr.Leonoline Ebenezer, Co-investigator –Dr.M.Sasirekha
2 Effect of Covid-19 Vaccine (Covishield) on D-Dimer ,Hs CRP  and Corona virus Antibody test in south Indian population

Dr.Leonoline Ebenezer,

Co-investigator –Dr.M.Sasirekha

3 Evaluation and development OF potential antiviral bioactive compounds against SARS  -CoV-2 variants Dr.S.Thamizharasan
4 Clinico epidemiological and microbiological study of recurrent dermatophytosis in patients visiting a tertiary care hospital in chennai



5 A Randomized trial to assess the efficacy of topical clotrimazole ,ketoconazole ,and Miconazole among patients with limited tinea corporis and tinea cruris. Dr.L. Balamurugan
Dr.Revathi Guru
Dr.S Nazrin
6 Assesment of inflammatory markers in post-covid population and its complications Dr. Sureka
7 Cervical spine and hand grip strength in smart phone addicted college students post covid scenario Dr.Sureka
8 Usage of Bayley scales for infant and Toddler development (BSID) detection of development delay in early childhood (under 5years)of age in an urban hospital setup Dr. Naveena Karthik
Dr. Arasar Seelalar
Dr. Sudhakar Prasanna
9 Effect of Covid-19 Vaccine (Covaxin) on D-Dimer ,Hs CRP  and Corona virus Antibody test in south Indian population Dr.Leonoline Ebenezer, Co-investigator –Dr.M.Sasirekha
10 Cross sectional study of Lip prints among the students of ACSMCH Dr. Abishek, Dr. M.Balaji Singh
11 Study on poisoning cases of ACS Medical college and hospital, Chennai Dr. M.Balaji Singh
12 Usage of plastic bags and health hazards.—A study to assess awareness level and perception about  legislation among adult population in urban area of chennai.



13 Community Opinion regarding the ban of alcohol sale among adult male population in urban area of Chennai Dr.Rajkamal, Dr.Sri Hari Velan
14 Assessment of Diabetes Risk in an adult population using Indian Diabetes Risk Score in Urban area of Chennai Dr.Rajkamal, Dr.Nishanthan
15 KAP Study on assessment of rabies and its prevention among rural Thiruvallur district, Tamilnadu Drt.Thameen Raja Mohammed, Dr.MYL.Kumaran
16 Development of community diagnosis module for MBBS Community field posting Dr.Rajnish, Dr.Prathyusha
17 A case control study :Comparison of insomnia among Hypertensive and non hypertensive  adults in rural area of Thiruvallur district Dr.MYL Kumaran
18 Knowledge, Attitude and Practices towards Covid-19 vaccination among adult population in rural South India- a community based study Dr.Prathyusha, Dr.Rajnishborkar
19 Impact of covid-19 on lifestyle changes and its correlation- with lipit profile among healthy adult population-analytical cross-sectional study . Dr. Abeetha S, Dr. Shruthy
20 SARS COV2 seroprevalance among non vaccinated youn adult population in Chennai-analytical cross sectional study Dr. Ganesh M, Dr. Shobana
21 Impact of covid pandemic on digital eye skin & its co-relation with visual evoked potential Dr. Suma .S, Dr. Bhagyashree.N
22 Association of obesity with hematological parameters in post covid-19 population Dr. Bhagyashree.N, Dr. Sureka Varalakshmi
23 Phyllanthus seeds methanolic extract: Pre clinical screen for Analgesic activity Dr. A.Sumitha
24 Knowledge, attitude, practise concerning Hepatitis B among medical students in urban area of Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Dr.Shravya, Guide: Dr.Rajkamal
25 Knowledge, attitude, practise related to COVID-19 among elderly rural population in Thiruvallur district-A community based survey. Dr.Balakumar, Guide: Dr.Prathyushakadiyala
26 Impact of COVID-19 Pandamic on knowledge, attitude, practise of hand hygiene among health care workers in tertiary care centre. Dr.Jenifa, Guide:Dr.Prathyusha kadiyala.
27 A Study on Knowledge, attitude practices on menstrual hygiene among women of age group 15-45 years in rural areas of Thiruvallur District Dr. Vinothini, Dr. Sarath kumar
28 Effect of covid vaccine on hormonal inflammatory status of premenopausal women Dr. Sathiya Priya
29 A Study on the impact of carrying XY chromosome on maternal insulin secretion and insulin resistance Dr. Brethis